springtime nears, we are all preparing for warm weather by tending our gardens
and getting our lawns in order. If you are using any kind of chemicals to
perform these tasks, including fertilizers, weed repellent or killers, pest
control, and more, make sure you follow all application instructions in order
to keep pets and children safe.
Most of these products recommend keeping pets
off the application site for several days, for their safety. If you believe
that your pet has accidentally ingested one of these poisonous substances,
please contact us immediately.
safety is a big concern for pet owners, so some lawn care companies have met
our requests for safer products. Next time you visit a home store in search of
garden chemicals, ask for the pet safe products. Use your discretion: if the
package doesn’t say it’s safe for pets, it probably isn’t. Be sure to follow
all safety instructions to the letter.